Petros Piki
May 10 — 4 mins readPetros Piki CA(Z), MSc, RPA
“Life began with waking up and loving my mother’s face.” —George Eliot
To all mothers of the world!
There is an African proverb that alludes to the fact that a stupid old person was once a kid. What they will be saying in essence is that all people with unwanted traits and character we can track that back to how they were raised. Mothers have a very crucial role in our society, they nurture, they love, they coach and the chastise humanity to be the human beings we become. Yes, there are some outliers who will always make their mothers cry and do unbecoming things but every mother’s wish is to see their children develop… to real climb higher and higher in life. Remember behind every successful man there is a woman … today I assert that, this woman is your mother. Not undermining the wife of course! When mother nurture a child during early childhood, they assist them in developing a larger hippocampus, the brain region important for learning, memory and stress responses, according to Joseph Castro, 2012.
Hippocampus is a complex brain structure embedded deep into temporal lobe. It has a major role in learning and memory. It is a plastic and vulnerable structure that gets damaged by a variety of stimuli. So, if the mother sends the wrong stimuli the child will be damaged for life. In my view mothers have a very important role. If they lack confidence the child is likely to lack confidence. If they teach you that things are tough and impossible, you are not likely to be a victor. There are many studies that have shown that if you raise your child in a nurturing and caring environment, they will be more stable emotionally and typically do better in school than kids raised by rough mothers. Children with loving mothers have according to science brain power 10% larger than their peers, Joseph Castro, 2012. The development of a person into the future business is also affected by their parents' temperaments. A cruel businessperson can be tracked to parents with similar attitudes.
In life some people start with a head start advantage, their mothers send them to pre-schools offering best mental development as others will be wallowing in poverty, but that’s not an excuse. Anyway, the level of having or not having doesn’t matter, even poor mothers cuddle and nurture their children like the proverbial hen referred to by Jesus Christ. Even if you do not have wealth love those kids, they will develop to be future millionaires. Show them everybody have an equal chance… tell them they are the best that could be there. Teach them to be masters of their destiny. Some wealth mothers have no time to nurture their kids and they grow up with the temperament and qualities adopted from the various child minders they would have employed over the years. Some people change child minders every month… just imagine how confused that child will be!
A mother teaches you that fire is dangerous… how to eat … how to play with others… spirituality … discipline and even respect or no respect. Society must not underestimate the role of mothers. There is a proven trait that can be seen in animals like baboons and monkeys, their off springs does what their mothers used to. This has been proven in research and practically. All the way into teenage children will be learning from their mothers no wonder the things they learn will stick with them into their adulthood.
Most entrepreneurs allude to the fact that they were motivated to be entrepreneurs because of what they saw their parents doing. If a mother is enterprising it is highly likely that the children will be too! Some mothers are not business people but as their children see them toil in poverty it ignites that winner attitude whereby the kids would want to go far to help their parents in future. Whether our lives are brilliant or miserable our behaviours as mothers (parents) can act as a push or pull factor. Mothers need to take advantage of this maternal touch to teach their kids to leave things (the world, livelihoods etc), better than they were. Let’s teach kids to create new things.
I personally also being a man have seen the impact of mothers… she drove me to be who I am becoming and more … may her soul rest in peace. She made me believe in the impossible, gave me confidence despite clear disadvantages that life threw at us!
Mother across the world leave a mark on the world, motherhood may be the most foundational and influential role in society. Create better business people, create better professionals and keep making life great.
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