Petros Piki
Apr 02 — 3 mins readBy Petros Piki CA(Z), MSc, RPA
"The greatest healing therapy is friendship and love." Hubert H. Humphrey
As of time writing this blog (03 April 2020), one third of the world population was under lockdown. The health systems even of well-developed countries are failing to cope with the high numbers of sick people. More people are sick than the available beds. In some developing countries hospitals have stopped accepting new patients. Most people who have tested positive from the virus have quarantined and emerge healed without going to hospital. So how do we take care of loved ones who are infected:
1. Separate the sick person from other household members
Ideally, the patient should have his or her own bedroom and bathroom and stay isolated in that part of the house the whole day, eating meals, working and relaxing only in that space. This is in the interest of protecting family members from further infection.
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2. A member of the family without an underlying condition is recommended to take care of the patient
Covid-19 mainly attack and defeat people with an underlying condition. So, a person with no underlying condition should look after the sick person because even in the event of them contracting the disease. The patient will probably be contagious for about two weeks after the onset of illness.
3. For those who Stay in Homes without Space
In most developing countries people are not too well off and some live in more cramped quarters and have to share one bathroom. In those cases, frequent hand washing with soap and water, and decontaminating surfaces is particularly important. Any routine household disinfectant can be used to sanitize the sink, toilet, faucet handles and other commonly touched surfaces after the sick person used the bathroom.
4. Leave the meals at the door
For those with spacious houses place the sick person’s food in front of the door then go away, which minimizes person-to-person contact. Have the patient return the empty plate to the same place. The idea here is to reduce the cough exchange between people. Viruses don’t go through doors. The virus goes out in coughed up or sneezed out droplets to people.
5. How to handle laundry and dishes According to CDC
The CDC advise that one should immediately remove and wash clothes or bedding that have blood, stool or body fluids on them. Wear disposable gloves while handling those items and keep them away from your body. Wash your hands immediately after removing the gloves. Soap is effective with this virus
6. When leaving their rooms patients must wear masks to protect those not infected.
7. Always open windows to allow for good air flow and reduce concentration of virus in the room.
Always assess the condition of the person should the condition deteriorate do not delay to take the patient to the hospital.
NOTE: This series is heavily dependent on information availed by the World Health Organisation and CDC.
Always remember to wash your hands and stay at home to save your own life and protect health services providers.
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